In the midst of winter’s chill and frosty embrace,
Imbolc emerges, bringing hope and grace.
A sacred time, where darkness starts to wane,
And the sun returns, its light to reclaim.
The days grow longer, the nights less cold,
As nature awakens, a story unfolds.
Imbolc, the bridge between solstice and equinox,
A celebration of renewal, a time that rocks.
Beneath the frozen ground, life stirs and stirs,
Tiny buds emerge, like whispers that occur.
The earth, once dormant, now begins to awake,
As spring’s arrival is near, for goodness sake!
The snow may linger, but the promise is clear,
Imbolc heralds a change that’s drawing near.
The sun’s gentle rays, a warming embrace,
Melting the ice, revealing nature’s grace.
A time to honor the goddess Brigid’s light,
Her flame burning bright, dispelling the night.
With candles aglow, we welcome her in,
Her presence felt, as new beginnings begin.
Imbolc, a time for cleansing and renewal,
A chance to let go of what no longer fuels.
We gather together, in spirit and in heart,
Celebrating the season, a fresh new start.
So let us rejoice, as the sun’s light returns,
Embracing the lessons that winter sojourns.
Imbolc, the midway, between darkness and spring,
A time of rebirth, where hope takes wing.
Frankey Craig copyright 2024
Reflect what is growing and stirring within you at the moment and set your intentions during Imbolc.